Monday, December 29, 2014

Thread pool in Java

Thread Pool, literary means pool of thread. But, the literal  meaning is a bit confusing, as just having a pool of threads is hardly of any value. So, just remember that thread pool is not just another Object pool (like String pool). I will be talking about it in detail here!

The missing story from the literal meaning of the thread pool is that it also uses a queue to manage tasks. 
The pool of threads + Job Queue makes story complete, and hence just calling it thread pool is bit confusing and even misleading. This term is not specific to Java and used in DataBases and other programming languages as well. It's not easy to change its intended meaning or rename it to make it clearer (it existed even before Java was born and definitely going to last beyond Java!).

The fundamental idea behind an object pool is that creation and destruction (finalization or garbage collection) of any resource (read objects here, and even threads) is dearer. So, if you have a pool of readily available resources, they can be reused.


Task vs Thread

Most of the programmers use task and thread interchangeably and mean the same thing; that's plain WRONG! A thread executes a task.

Tasks are independent activities and don't depend on the state or side effect of other tasks. This independent nature of tasks facilitates concurrency and hence can be executed by multiple threads at the same time. Also, tasks are usually finite; they have a clear starting point and they eventually terminate. Tasks are logical unit of work, and threads are a mechanism by which tasks can be run asynchronously.

Runnable is the default task abstraction in Java. Don't get confused by trying to understand tasks and threads the way we create threads in Java; by either extending Thread class or implementing Runnable.

          Runnable task = new Runnable(){
            public void run(){
                System.out.println("inside task");
        };  //end of task definition 
    Thread thread = new Thread(task);  //note that task goes as argument

Above example helps to understand difference between task and thread. It clearly explains that thread takes task as argument to process/execute it. Calling start method on thread will internally call the run method declared in Runnable (of course in a separate thread). Other task abstraction in Java is Callable which got added in J2SE 5.0.

On similar lines (of task and thread), thread pool has a task queue as well.

Thread Pool

Thread Pool manages a homogeneous pool of workers or threads and it is bound to a work queue holding tasks. Workers from the pool go and pick the next task from the queue and execute them independently. Once a task is finished, the workers fetch the next task from the queue if it has one, otherwise, workers keep on waiting for next task in the queue.

Executor framework (link), added in Java 5.0 provides static factory methods in Executors to create thread pool (like newFixedThreadPool(), newCachedThreadPool(), newSingleThreadExecutor(), newScheduledThreadPool()). The Executor framework uses Runnable as its basic task representation. If you want more control, Callable is a better choice.

Let's zoom into the interfaces provided by two major components of ThreadPool.
Task Queue: Used for holding tasks in a queue so that workers can pick and execute them. The queue can be implemented as a FIFO or Priority Queue. At least, below methods should be supported by a task queue.

public interface TaskQueue {
    public Task getNextJob();
    public void addJob(Task task);
    public boolean isEmpty();

Worker Pool: Used for holding threads. The pool should provide an interface to execute task submitted to it. So the execute method takes tasks queue as an argument.
public interface WorkerPool {
    public void execute(TaskQueue queue);

Time to wind up on the fundamentals.
Next post (link), I have covered thread pool implementation in Java.

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